We always recommend all parents to visit us and experience for yourselves the environment of Krisaliz Kindergarten! Do bring along your child or children!
Our enrolment and admission procedures are as follows:
Step 1: Application
On application, the Registration Fee is due and payable.
The Registation Fee is non-refundable. Unsuccessful applications will be refunded their Registration Fee.
Payment of Registration Fee does not guarantee a place for your child.
Step 2: Acceptance
Once a child is accepted to Krisaliz Kindergarten, the Fee Deposit, Advance School Term Fees, and Krisaliz Uniform (minimum 2 sets) are due and payable:
Your child’s place is not reserved until payment of the above fees.
Step 3: Trial Period
Each newly enrolled child is given a one-week trial period.
If the child is withdrawn from Krisaliz Kindergarten during the Trial Period:
• The Fee Deposit and the School Term Fees will be fully refunded.
• The Registration Fee and Krisaliz Uniforms are non-refundable.
A written Letter of Withdrawal is required for withdrawal of your child during the Trial Period.